
This post is dedicated to my goodness friend over at Heart Like Jesus blog, who of late reminded me nosotros don't all verbalize geek. For those of us who do, fifty-fifty seemingly-simple concepts tin deteriorate inward the absence of a mutual terminology. The tabular array below takes a stab at defining around key phrases used on this blog.

C++Currently the close mutual game programming language.
OOPObject Oriented Programming. This is a conceptual mode of structuring code to stand upward for objects inward the existent the world (e.g. creating a Person shape that has properties such every bit Name as well as Age).
DirectXMicrosoft's collection of APIs for multimedia evolution for Windows-based systems. H5N1 few specific APIs include Direct3D (for graphics), DirectShow (for presentations), as well as DirectSound (for audio).
Direct3DThe DirectX API for creating reckoner graphics.
APIApplication Programming Interface. An API simplifies piece of employment for programmers yesteryear providing them amongst a listing of functions they tin utilisation to perform specific tasks inward a program.
PixelShort for picture element, a pixel represents a unmarried point displayed on your reckoner monitor.
TexelShort for texture element, a texel represents a unmarried point displayed inward a texture (image) file.
Texture MappingSee my post Texturing Fundamentals for a definition of textures. Texture mapping is the procedure of texturing.
PointA lay inward 2-dimensional infinite specified yesteryear a horizontal X value as well as a vertical Y value.
VertexA lay inward 3-dimensional infinite specified yesteryear a horizontal X value, a vertical Y value, as well as a depth Z value.
Direct3D VertexA vertex that may incorporate properties (such every bit color, texture coordinates, etc.) inward improver to a lay (x,y,z) value.
Vertex BufferA hardware-dependent structure, accessible via Direct3D, to concur a listing of vertices.
RenderThe human activeness of drawing content from a vertex buffer to the screen.
Object Geometry  Set of vertices that brand upward a 3D object.
GeometryMath materials I learned freshman yr inward high schoolhouse as well as wishing I could hollo upward amend now. Very of import for graphics development!
This listing is yesteryear no way comprehensive, simply it's a start. I'll endeavour to brand certain I define novel concepts clearly as well as am ever opened upward to correction from wiser experts. It's been said that blog comments are oft amend than the master copy spider web log post, as well as I'm excited to meet if that proves truthful on GDJ!

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